Silk in the Rain

Photo by my mom, Shannon McDaniel

Like cherry blossoms in the gray of late winter,

She blooms free and bright.

By the cherry blossom tree, she rests.

As if seized by the wind, she arises.

The day is overcast and washed out in gray hues.

Her spirit contrasts so dazzling

In color against the gloom present.

Such a relief is her life.

In her face, the current landscape is reflected.

A strain of pain runs across her face

As a soft smile chases close behind.

In distraught motion, she still finds humor, peace.

Her silk wrap wafts around during her dance.

The rain starts to fall near the stream.

Her dress becomes drenched and heavier,

But this does not deter her dance.



J. Austin McDaniel

My writing interests are wide. Throughout each piece, I aim at pointing each reader in a direction that critically engages them and aesthetically pleases them.